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Grade 8 - Number Sense and Numeration
Standard 8.NSN.3 - Find the unit price in word problems using division.
Included Skills:
Proportional Relationships
• identify and describe real-life situations involving two quantities that are directly proportional (e.g., the number of servings and the quantities in a recipe, mass and volume of a substance, circumference and diameter of a circle);
• solve problems involving proportions, using concrete materials, drawings, and variables (Sample problem: The ratio of stone to sand in HardFast Concrete is 2 to 3. How much stone is needed if 15 bags of sand are used?);
• solve problems involving percent that arise from real-life contexts (e.g., discount, sales tax, simple interest) (Sample problem: In Ontario, people often pay a provincial sales tax [PST] of 8% and a federal sales tax [GST] of 7% when they make a purchase. Does it matter which tax is calculated first? Explain your reasoning.);
• solve problems involving rates (Sample problem: A pack of 24 CDs costs $7.99. A pack of 50 CDs costs $10.45. What is the most economical way to purchase 130 CDs?).
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