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Grade 5 - Data Management and Probability
Standard 5.DMP.1 - Interpret the data in a table to complete a pictogram.
Included Skills:
Collection and Organization of Data
• distinguish between discrete data (i.e., data organized using numbers that have gaps between them, such as whole numbers, and often used to represent a count, such as the number of times a word is used) and continuous data (i.e., data organized using all numbers on a number line that fall within the range of the data, and used to represent measurements such as heights or ages of trees);
• collect data by conducting a survey or an experiment (e.g., gather and record air temperature over a two-week period) to do with themselves, their environment, issues in their school or community, or content from another subject, and record observations or measurements;
• collect and organize discrete or continuous primary data and secondary data and display the data in charts, tables, and graphs (including broken-line graphs) that have appropriate titles, labels (e.g., appropriate units marked on the axes), and scales that suit the range and distribution of the data (e.g., to represent precipitation amounts ranging from 0 mm to 50 mm over the school year, use a scale of 5 mm for each unit on the vertical axis and show months on the horizontal axis), using a variety of tools (e.g., graph paper, simple spreadsheets, dynamic statistical software);
• demonstrate an understanding that sets of data can be samples of larger populations (e.g., to determine the most common shoe size in your class, you would include every member of the class in the data; to determine the most common shoe size in Ontario for your age group, you might collect a large sample from classes across the province);
• describe, through investigation, how a set of data is collected (e.g., by survey, measurement, observation) and explain whether the collection method is appropriate.
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