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Each game has 10 questions.
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Created with Raphaël 2.3.0


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Each game has 10 questions.
Green box means correct.
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Ontario Curriculum: Mathematics

Grade 4 - Geometry and Spatial Sense

Standard 4.GSS.1 - Count the edges of three dimensional shapes.

Included Skills: Geometry

Geometric Properties
draw the lines of symmetry of two-dimensional shapes, through investigation using a variety of tools (e.g., Mira, grid paper) and strategies (e.g., paper folding) (Sample problem: Use paper folding to compare the symmetry of a rectangle with the symmetry of a square.);
identify and compare different types of quadrilaterals (i.e., rectangle, square, trapezoid, parallelogram, rhombus) and sort and classify them by their geometric properties (e.g., sides of equal length; parallel sides; symmetry; number of right angles);
identify benchmark angles (i.e., straight angle, right angle, half a right angle), using a reference tool (e.g., paper and fasteners, pattern blocks, straws), and compare other angles to these benchmarks (e.g., "The angle the door makes with the wall is smaller than a right angle but greater than half a right angle.") (Sample problem: Use paper folding to create benchmarks for a straight angle, a right angle, and half a right angle, and use these benchmarks to describe angles found in pattern blocks.);
relate the names of the benchmark angles to their measures in degrees (e.g., a right angle is 90�);
identify and describe prisms and pyramids, and classify them by their geometric properties (i.e., shape of faces, number of edges, number of vertices), using concrete materials.

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