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Grade 2 - Data Management and Probability
Standard 2.DMP.2 - Interpret the data in a bar graph. Use the data to answer questions about the graph.
Included Skills:
Data Relationships
• read primary data presented in concrete graphs, pictographs, line plots, simple bar graphs, and other graphic organizers (e.g., tally charts, diagrams), and describe the data using mathematical language (e.g., "Our bar graph shows that 4 more students walk to school than take the bus.");
• pose and answer questions about class-generated data in concrete graphs, pictographs, line plots, simple bar graphs, and tally charts (e.g., Which is the least favourite season?);
• distinguish between numbers that represent data values (e.g., "I have 4 people in my family.") and numbers that represent the frequency of an event (e.g., "There are 10 children in my class who have 4 people in their family.");
• demonstrate an understanding of data displayed in a graph (e.g., by telling a story, by drawing a picture), by comparing different parts of the data and by making statements about the data as a whole (e.g., "I looked at the graph that shows how many students were absent each month. More students were away in January than in September.").
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